Reading List

Reading List

Below is a series of links to resources about China we’ve found useful so far. We have also created a separate page that houses lots of the Chinese Government Official websites. These have been helpful when fact checking claims and just generally getting a sense of what the Government want people to read about China.

The China Project (formerly SupChina) Brings together a number of podcasts, columns and shows about various China related topics. Based in NYC, USA. As of November 2023 the site has been forced to stop producing content.
CSIS China Power Project Examines five interrelated categories of Chinese power: military, economics, technology, social and international image. Based in Washington DC, USA
ChinaScope Offers analyses and views on hot topics to do with China Based in Washington DC, USA.
MERICS (Mercator Institute of China Studies) Not-for-profit think tank, focusing on political, economic, social, trends. Official partner of Munich Security Conference. Based in Berlin, Germany.
Brookings Institution, Center for East Asia Policy Studies A Center within Brookings think tank. Based in Washington DC, USA
East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore Monthly commentary on events, often to do with China, from EAI scholars
European Think Tank Network on China (ETNC) Contributions from many think tanks on the China topic
South China Morning Post (SCMP) Hong Kong-based news outlet providing interesting insights into China topics. Owned by the Alibaba Group
Radio Free Asia A Washington DC-based radio and news outlet. Note this is US Government-affiliated. (今日热榜官网) Shows the trending topics in Chinese online spaces, grouped by theme (social, government, S+T, entertainment etc). Ideal for getting the latest news, ideas and products emerging from the PRC.
Bellingcat – The Challenges of Conducting Open Source Research on China Article about the challenges of China OSINT. Some ways on working around challenges and a look at what the future might bring for China OSINT.
Decoding China “The Decoding China Dictionary seeks to answer these questions and to serve as a guide to understanding the official Chinese meaning of key terms in international relations and development cooperation.”